


Dave Webster joined the musicians' union in 2004 after a storied career as a freelance drummer, percussionist and teacher. He first worked for the MU as branch secretary in the London constituency before becoming London Officer in 2005. He then became a London Official and took on the national role of secretary of the theatre section. In 2006 he was promoted to London Region Senior Organiser and for the next seven years he was at the forefront of negotiations in London, while managing the local team of over 10,000 musicians.
In 2013, Dave was promoted to a newly created position, "National Organiser – Live Performance". After the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union, Dave focused his work on the hardships caused to musicians by Brexit. In 2022, he was appointed International Lead to advance this work and all the other aspects that MU members face when working abroad, such as visas, CITES, travel with instruments and Brexit.

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