


The material could be a metallic velvet; the texture, both soft and rough; the movement somewhere between the wave of air lifting the silk and the wave made by a cut stone thrown on the surface of a lake... There is something strange about Zaho de Sagazan's voice, but it quickly becomes familiar, powerfully close. A sister? A best friend? A shaman? A shrink?

A singular author, composer and performer, in any case. And his first album, La symphonie des éclairs, confirms the rumour circulating since the chain of events of 2022 – a few first concerts, the Inouïs du Printemps de Bourges, the Chantier des Francos, the Prix Chorus des Hauts-de-Seine, the TransMusicales de Rennes...

So here is Zaho de Sagazan, at twenty-three years old, in his dark electro songs, at the unlikely crossroads of Barbara and Koudlam, Christophe and Cold Cave, of an introspective French song and the electronics heir to Kraftwerk. And her voice cuts through feelings, ravages the quiet seductions of the girl's song.

Zaho has tamed her voice as she has tamed music, between relentlessness and pleasure. At
In the beginning, the piano is all about chocolate donuts – her reward after the classical lessons she takes in 6th grade. But she returned on her own a few years later. An obsessive and self-taught passion that his writing today keeps track of – throwing melodies in a straight line, repeating the same two chords over and over again until hypnosis...

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