


A pioneer of hip-hop culture in France, Yasmina Benbekai, author of the classic "Dico du DJ" in 2008 (Ed. Scali Paris), got her start in the columns of the legendary magazine Radikal and hosted the 1st hip-hop talk show in France, Sang d'Encre, with Jean-Pierre Seck and David Commeillas. Yasmina became a hip-hop specialist at the microphone of numerous radio stations: Générations for 8 years, FG Radio, France Inter (2 seasons of the "Ouvert La Nuit" show) and for 8 years at Mouv' (Radio France's youth radio station). Yasmina took part in major projects such as the Podclasse podcast competition and the InterClass' radio coach in educational centres. As a breakdance expert, she has commented on the French and world championships for several media, bringing her expertise in Hip Hop culture and her in-depth knowledge of the dance's history and techniques.

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