


Coordinator of the Slowfest collective, which experiments with low-energy practices in music and live performance.

Trained in exhibition management and international artistic cooperation at Paris 8, my career has taken me through various cultural sectors, always linked to issues of experimentation, nomadism and interculturality:

> I began my career as manager of the Donniya publishing house in Bamako, Mali. This is a fairly large publishing house, the first in Mali, and I've worked on a wide variety of subjects: books on cultural and artistic heritage, magazines, children's books and school books.
> I also assisted the photographer Alioune Bâ and worked on several occasions to produce his exhibitions, notably at the Biennale de photographie de Bamako. I co-founded a slam association, and managed and developed projects for musicians.

> Back in Paris, after 7 years living in Bamako, I alternated between contracts for cultural associations, Cinéma numérique ambulant, Africultures, then as an editor with Hachette Livre.
> After 10 years as communications manager for architectural firms, I felt the need to rediscover a clear, all-encompassing meaning.

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