


Sylvie Hericher -AUDIENS
Career Guidance Counselor,
Fonds de professionnalisation et de solidarité des Artistes et Techniciens du spectacle (Professionalization and Solidarity Fund for Performing Artists and Technicians)

Sylvie Héricher started out as a scribe and assistant scribe on feature films and shorts, after graduating in Literature and Audiovisual Studies in 1986.

She then worked as a Production Assistant for 3 years on advertising films for Japan.

Then, for 10 years, she worked as an assistant in feature film acquisitions and pre-purchases for the Cinécinémas channel, which has since become Ciné +.

In 2007, she retrained as a Career Management Consultant and obtained a university diploma in Skills Assessment and Career Management.

Since 2008, she has been a career advisor for performing artists and technicians within the framework of the Fonds de Professionnalisation et de Solidarité des Artistes et Techniciens du Spectacle (Professionalization and Solidarity Fund for Performing Artists and Technicians), a scheme set up by the French Ministry of Culture and managed by Audiens. She is in charge of providing enhanced support for professionals over the age of 50 as part of this scheme. She co-facilitates professional co-development workshops to help senior intermittents reduce the isolation they may find themselves in, dispel their doubts, and enable them to rely on "peers" to envisage solutions to the socio-professional problems they encounter.

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