
Stéphan-éloïse GRAS

Stéphan-éloïse GRAS

Stéphan-Eloïse Gras is a researcher and entrepreneur with a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences and Philosophy. Her thesis focuses on online listening, in which she analyzes a music recommendation algorithm, acquired by Spotify in 2014, which she describes as
as "taste machines".

Until June 2023, she was Managing Director of the €130 million Digital Africa initiative, launched in 2018 by French President Emmanuel Macron to support and fund African start-ups at seed stage. Co-founder of the Africa 4 Tech bootcamp, she also headed up partnerships in Africa for OpenClassrooms, an online education platform
platform for digital professions. She teaches at Sciences Po, CELSA and art and design schools (HEAD-Geneva). A specialist in software studies and deep learning techniques, she is currently writing a book on the geo-economics of artificial intelligence.

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