


Silja Fischer joined the General Secretariat of the International Music Council (IMC) in 1993 and has held the position of Secretary General since 2009. The IMC is the most inclusive global network of organizations and institutions working in the field of music, founded by UNESCO and dedicated to promoting essential music rights for all. As Secretary General, Silja is responsible for CIM's advocacy work, member network development, program strategy and partnerships.
As CIM is an official NGO partner of UNESCO, Silja also liaises with the UNESCO Secretariat and the diplomatic representations of member states. In addition to her passion for music and its transformative power, Silja firmly believes in strategic collaborations as the basis for effective and efficient advocacy work. She represents CIM in various advocacy groups such as the Steering Committee of the Global Coordination of CSOs working within the framework of the 2005 UNESCO Convention, the Climate Heritage Network and the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign (#culture2030goal).
Silja has organized a number of international and regional conferences and seminars, and led panels, roundtables and training courses around the world, notably on cultural and musical policies, the societal role of music, arts education in schools, and the contribution of the music sector to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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