
Just Shani

Just Shani

Too smart to be a rapper and too street to be a model. Just Shani embodies both energy and eloquence. The precision of her writing combined with the explosiveness of her trap sounds have made her one of the most noticed emerging rappers of recent years.
In her songs, we find a marked commitment to the cause of women in all walks of life. The artist, passionate about football, made a name for herself during the Women's World Cup in 2019 thanks to her song "Sélection Féminin" to celebrate the place of women in football ("you call it women's football? I call it football."). She once again put sport and women in the spotlight this summer with "Joga Bonito". Juste Shani also made a name for herself with the sharp lyrics of her song "Happy Birthday", in which she clarifies the true meaning of the day of March 8th. This song serves as a tool for everyone to remind everyone every year that March 8 is not "Women's Day" but a day to fight against gender inequality.
On stage, the artist takes the audience to his homeland. She proved it in the first part of IAM at L'Olympia and on the biggest festivals in France in summer 2022 (Solidays, Lollapalooza...). His aura envelops each member of the audience and transports them into an exhilarating set where trap and melodies are mixed. We let off steam on the bangers, we try to catch our breath while singing the choruses, we remain glued by committed and assumed punchlines: In her lyrics, the artist succeeds in the tour de force of carrying both a noble message and the impertinent turns of phrase of a woman totally in tune with her generation.

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