


Involved at a young age in the 90s, in humanist and artistic associative activities (Amnesty International, Médecin du Monde, Festival Utopia...), he first became a producer of performing arts (La Symphonie Indienne, Circus Baobab, l'Affaire Desombres by Schuiten and Peeter, with artists such as Ravi Prasad, Talvin Singh, Régine Chopinot, Ray Lema...).

He then worked for various institutions and became an executive producer (year of Morocco in France, year of Algeria ...). In the early 2000s, he embarked with his associates (Philippe Jupin, Fabrice Martinez) on the adventure of La Bellevilloise, which he revived in a contemporary way, and became an identified cultural entrepreneur (public launch of La Bellevilloise in 2006, transformation of La Rotonde Place Stalingrad in 2012, La Petite Halle de La Villette in 2013, etc.).

In 2014, with his partner Fabrice Martinez, he became passionate about the creation of living spaces with a cultural dimension and founded the federation of independent places Cultplace to support the emergence, development and operation of singular architectural projects, for cultural and entertainment sites, bar, restaurant and hotel activities, and event complexes.

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