
Pascale LEVET

Pascale LEVET

Pascale LEVET has developed her career path between studies and research; holding a DEA in Management Sciences, she began as a research officer and strategy lecturer at EM Lyon before joining the Adecco group, where she founded and directed Lab'HO (GIE d'études et de recherches) before joining Anact (Agence Nationale pour l'Amélioration des Conditions de Travail) as Technical and Scientific Director between 2008 and 2015.
Since 2016, she has been an associate professor at IAE-Université Lyon 3 and co-founded and directs Le Nouvel Institut, a public-interest association to lead open innovation projects on vicious problems that invite themselves onto companies' strategic and social agendas.

The Nouvel Institut is the servant structure of an open innovation project, starting in 2019 and dedicated to shaking up the lines of job retention under the magnifying glass of breast cancer, by broadening the perspective of the work-health constructor. Agefiph, FIPHFP, INCa and the DGT are the institutional partners of this project, which is experimenting in real-life environments in companies and local authorities with innovative proposals for changing the law, the arrangements for reconciling cancer and work, and the management practices and tools that hinder the possibility of doing healthy work.

Pascale LEVET is a member of the Scientific Council of the Observatoire des Cadres, and chairs the Scientific Committee of the Fondation Travailler Autrement. She is also a member of the Conseil d'Orientation des Conditions de Travail, where she chairs the Commission Etudes et Recherches, and a member of the Scientific Council of the Communauté des Entreprises à Mission.

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