


Ntoyi is a French performer, musician, podcaster and content creator.
Since 2007, he has been documenting his journey as an artist and digital entrepreneur.

In 2019, Ntoyi is nominated for the national Re.Start Awards ceremony at the Olympia.

Since 2018, Ntoyi has been the host of the Podcast "La Percée". In this podcast, he talks to entrepreneurs from the worlds of entertainment and
of entrepreneurship. The podcast (over 200 episodes) is filmed and broadcast
on Youtube and all streaming platforms. In 2022, Spotify declared the podcast one of the 10% most shared podcasts in the world.

Also since 2018, Ntoyi has been helping companies get started in the podcasting world. It offers solutions in terms of equipment, editorial line
and marketing.

In September 2018, he published his book "The 7-Day Weekend."

Ntoyi has been speaking at various business and digital schools (podcasting, content creation, networking, entrepreneurship...) since December 2020.

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