


Marta Pallarès is a music journalist based in Barcelona. She holds a master's degree in cultural journalism and has developed a career beyond newspapers, magazines and radio stations to immerse herself in the music industry.

Marta Pallarès has returned to Barcelona after several years spent in Mexico City as marketing manager for a record company and as a lecturer at the Universidad Iberoamericana. She is now in charge of international communications strategy for the Primavera Sound festival, which she directed for two live editions with Red Bull TV. She handles relations with the media and journalists, develops partnerships and coordinates Primavera's seven international PR agencies abroad.

Ms. Pallarès is the company's official spokesperson for initiatives such as the event's pioneering commitment to gender balance, its innovative protocol against sexual harassment, and the company's corporate social responsibility actions, particularly those involving sustainability and environmental projects. She shares these initiatives through conferences, panels and keynote speeches.

Since 2019, Ms. Pallarès has been coordinating the partnership between the festival and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals campaign.

She is also one of five board members of YOUROPE, the European festival association. Founded in 1998, YOUROPE has become the largest association of popular music festivals in Europe. Today, it represents 122 festivals and associate members from 30 European countries.

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