


Magali Leclerc began her career in administration and accounting (Gorgone Productions, Salle de spectacle le Biplan, Ulysse Théâtre...) before moving into show production and distribution.
Since 2000, she has been co-artistic director of Sostenuto, in charge of production and distribution for artists such as Thibaud Defever (Presque Oui), Nour, Daphné Swan, François Puyalto, Feini-X Crew and Samuele.
Committed to the community, she is a member of the National Council of the S.M.A.
of the S.M.A (Syndicat des Musiques Actuelles) since 2017. From 2017
to 2022, she was a member of the board of directors and executive committee of
Haute Fidélité - Pôle Musiques actuelles des Hauts-de-France. Between
2006 and 2021, she was also a member of the Board of Directors
of the Brigade d'Intervention Culturelle (B.I.C) (Crossroads Festival)

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