


Project manager for the ICC immersion program at the Institut français in the International Events and Mobility Department.

As part of France 2030, the government's investment plan for the France of tomorrow, ICC Immersion is being implemented in conjunction with the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts Group). The program draws on the joint expertise of the Institut français, the diplomatic and cultural network of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and Business France and its offices abroad.

The aim of the program is to give participating companies in-depth knowledge of the ecosystems in the target countries, to help them define their strategy with regard to the challenges and constraints of local markets, and to benefit from networking and immersion in the target countries in order to foster business opportunities.

Companies will be put in touch with local innovation players, partners, financiers or customers, through tailor-made meetings and participation in industry-specific events.

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