


After a career as an administrator in various national theaters starting in 1981, when the Bastille opera house opened in 1989, she became head of production, where for five years she produced shows by the greatest directors. In 1995, she joined the Réunion des Musées Nationaux to take charge of the multimedia department. In 2002, she became General Manager of the Forum des images, an institution dedicated to cinema and the audiovisual media.

In 2010, anticipating the tremendous public and professional enthusiasm for series, she created the Séries Mania festival. In 2017, the French Ministry of Culture launched a consultation to develop a benchmark international festival around series. The Hauts-de-France Region and the City of Lille won the call for projects and asked her to develop Séries Mania. She then left the Forum des images to continue the adventure.

Séries Mania has established itself as Europe's biggest event devoted entirely to series. The festival offers previews of the best international series on the big screen, giving the public - up to 85,500 spectators - 8 days of discoveries, parties and encounters with some of the most renowned personalities in the world of series.

At the same time, the event welcomes 3,800 professionals from the global serial industry to Series Mania Forum. This is the industry's premier event, welcoming 3,800 international professionals for 3 days of pitching, networking and high-level conferences.

In 2021, Séries Mania launches Series Mania Institute, the training program for students and industry professionals. It's the first school 100% dedicated to TV series. The association is thus extending its action to support the creation of series in Europe.

Laurence Herszberg is a knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honor and a member of the Board of Directors of the Philharmonie de Paris.

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