


With over fifteen years' experience in concert organization, Laura Marquez joined the Adone team in 2015, specializing in booking and artist development. There she became project manager and coordinated the development part of the music catalog. At the same time, she developed her management activities and, driven by the desire to promote female creation, she founded and ran the Major.ette agency from 2018 to 2021, with which she accompanied three artists: Estelle Meyer, Gisèle Pape and La Fonta, providing management, booking and show production services.
At the beginning of 2022, Major.ette became LaPiscine, a know-how agency specializing in development, distribution, artist support and strategy consulting. She developed her independent booking activity and expanded her collaborations with other production structures.
From time to time, she is also involved in training, notably for the Ecole Atla, and in various speed-meetings organized by local networks for artists on the road to professionalism. Passionate about French chanson, she occasionally writes for the magazine FrancoFans.

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