


Born into a family of artists, Kahina was lucky enough to be immersed in this privileged environment from an early age. At the age of 8, she began playing the piano at the Conservatoire National Régional de la Ville de Paris, and spent the rest of her school career attending classes with special timetables.
With a Bac Général Littéraire in her pocket, she soon realized that she felt more at ease, and above all more useful, backstage than on stage.

Already aware, within her family, of the problems faced by artists, the cumbersome administrative management, these difficulties that slow them down in the accomplishment of their artistic and creative work, the idea of offering them services was born.

She then enrolled in a communications and press attaché school in Paris, after which she worked for 5 years at Radio FG as resident artist relations manager.

After spending two years in London, she joined David Guetta's team, where, since 2009, she has acquired expertise in the management of music production and publishing companies.

Aware that digital technology has considerably transformed culture, particularly music with streaming, and fully determined to help artists find their way in the jungle of these new administrative, digital, legal and economic codes, in 2021 she decided to create Kahin@gency, a structure in harmony with an evolving and ambitious context in keeping with her convictions.

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