


Cradled too close to the wall of sound, between rap, French chanson and châabi, Ismaël Metis moves the head and what's inside, "dove feather in one hand and a rifle in the other". With a warm voice and a broad smile, this live performer (with over 200 concerts to his credit) offers a breathless journey between the depth of his lyrics and a blend of contemporary rap compositions and acoustic instruments. An EP (December 2023) and an album (April 2024) produced by the LaCouveuse label will be available soon.

An insatiable jack-of-all-trades, he is also an actor ("Du Silence À L'Explosion", 2022), stage director ("Lettre À Nos Mines", 2017; "Le Rap Est Une Musique De Vieux", 2021), stage coach (SDV promotion 2021), lecturer at the University of Lille, host of round-table discussions on Hip and social issues, and artistic director of "Trous D'Mémoires", an artistic creation and production structure.

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