
Gregory PEZARD

Gregory PEZARD

Gregory has 15 years' experience in the music industry. His background demonstrates his commitment and passion for the music industry, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit that has given rise to innovative solutions supporting artists and labels. His contribution to the music industry is vast and significant, covering both physical and digital distribution, publishing, vinyl pressing and online sales solutions.

Now grouped around the KAIROS CLUB group, the SQUEEZER, BIGWAX DISTRIBUTION, BIGWAX.IO and KUB SYSTEMS entities serve the independent market with a team of 22 people offering a full range of services in France and beyond.
Here's a summary of the main milestones in his career:

2004: Freelance project manager for Topplers, developing a download platform for independent electronic music.
2009: He founds Les Editions Limitées Paris (LELP), offering physical and digital distribution to independent artists.
2011: Creation of Squeezer in partnership with Optimal Media to become a leader in independent vinyl pressing in France.
2015 : Launch of the Bigwax brand and the bigwax.io platform, favoring short circuits and better remuneration for artists.
2018: He creates Kairos Club Holding, acquires La Baleine and establishes Bigwax Distribution, a multi-channel distribution solution based on several areas of expertise.
2022: He develops Kub Systems, to create SaaS business tools.

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