
Estelle LOWRY

Estelle LOWRY

Estelle Lowry, born in Saint-Brieuc in 1982, was director of Musique Nouvelle en Liberté (MNL), before taking over as director of the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine (MMC) on July 15, 2020.
Alongside her literary training, she studied bassoon and became involved in group practice. Nurtured by an upbringing in which the transmission of knowledge and the accompaniment of artists are decisive values, Estelle chose to focus on the professions of production and project management.
After studying art history and cultural business management, she became production and distribution manager at the Concert de l'Hostel-Dieu (Lyon), before joining the Orchestre de Picardie team and then the Maison de la Culture d'Amiens, before joining MNL in 2009.
Since 2013, she has contributed to the relaunch of the Grand Prix Lycéen des Compositeurs (GPLC), by developing new partnerships, diversifying its resources, and structuring the territorial and pedagogical development of the scheme.
Through her work at the MMC, Estelle Lowry strives to promote contemporary music in all its diversity and for the widest possible audience, to support and accompany those involved in musical creation, and to encourage encounters between artists and audiences.

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