


Eric Rasoamiaramanana was born and works in Antananarivo. An artist at heart, he took his first steps in the artistic world by participating in church musicals organized by his grandfather, an organist/songwriter and also a trainer of young singers and musicians. At school, he was spotted playing guitar and drums, and singing at school parties. In 2003, he joined the rock group AngAroA, led by visual artist Richard Razafindrakoto. Lacking infrastructure, stages and experience, the group managed to take part in events and put on concerts. Thanks to Richard Razafindrakoto, Eric learned the ins and outs of the business: how to write a brief and how to manage. After the death of their mentor, he became the band's manager and managed to secure concert contracts, record a few tracks and make music videos.
After graduating with a degree in Hotel Management and Tourism, he was recruited to design the Vakinankaratra Region's World Environment Day celebrations. It was here that his desire to work in the events and arts sector began.
He joined the artistic sector on the Tana scene in 2011, exploring the milieu to see how best to develop this sector, which abounds in artistic and creative talent.
. He is currently the general manager of various cultural events, the manager of the Comptoir des artistes at La Teinturerie Ampasanimalo, and the Executive Director of Libertalia Music Records.
Demanding, passionate and a perfectionist, he wears many hats, the common thread of which is the promotion of art and culture in Madagascar. He is convinced that these two fields are one of the levers of development for a country's economy.

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