
Emily REMY

Emily REMY

From an early age, Emily REMY has been passionately committed to an eclectic range of artistic pursuits. She studied piano at the Montauban conservatory, as well as dance, saxophone, singing and conducting. She went on to earn a Bachelor's degree in Musicology in Toulouse and a Master's degree in Music Administration and Management at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Her creativity soon found expression backstage, first as a photographer and then as a producer. Jazz saxophonist Jean-Marc Padovani trained her and put her in charge of production at Soléart. Building on this experience, a few years later she co-founded Anima Nostra, a label and show production structure whose primary aim is to support young artists. In this way, she campaigns for greater accessibility to art for as many people as possible, an ecology of live performance, better representation of women in music, and promotes independence: of labels, record stores, merchants, and therefore of artists!
Today, Emily REMY accompanies a dozen projects ranging from baroque music to jazz, from solo to chamber choir, and teaches communication and production at the University of Toulouse.

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