


Trilingual in French, English and Spanish, I am passionate about multidisciplinary, international and impactful projects, at the crossroads of art, culture, and innovation. With more than 15 years of experience, I specialize in supporting and financing SMEs and start-ups, and in programming and production of innovative artistic, cultural and educational projects. Sensitive to issues specific to the cultural ecosystem, the imperatives of artistic creation, as well as business coaching tools, I develop tailor-made support for companies incubated at 104factory, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS incubator.
At the American Center for Art & Culture, between 2017 and 2020, I was responsible for programming and production of installations and multimedia exhibitions (Evan Roth - Landscape with a Ruin, Lita Albuquerque - 2020 : Accelerando…) and Look & Learn, an educational program in English funded by the United States Embassy, developed in partnership with numerous Parisian museums (Centre Pompidou, Grand Palais, Jeu de Paume, etc.) and higher education institutions (The New School Parsons Paris, ISCOM, etc.).
At Le Cube, a center for digital creation, between 2015 and 2017, I was in charge of production of the Prix Cube, a festival dedicated to young international creation in digital art. I also accompanied numerous artists, developers and researchers as part of the residency program Le Labo, a space dedicated to experimentation and creation in the fields of installation, performance and online projects.
Previously, as a consultant specializing in setting up and managing collaborative R&D projects for five years, I managed around twenty European and French projects (7th PCRD/Horizon 2020, FUI, etc.) in very diverse fields, including information and communication technologies, eco-design and renewable energies (Ecoshell, Disp'eau, etc.). For these projects, I formed partnerships, coordinated the drafting of files and negotiated grant contracts directly with the European Commission and French financial institutions. I also supported hundreds of start-ups and SMEs in the diagnosis and emergence of their technological innovation projects, within the framework of public collective actions (Oséo/Bpifrance, ARITT Centre, CCI Eure-et-Loire …)


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