


Dorian Perron is co-founder of Groover, the platform that connects artists who want to promote their music with the best media, radio stations and labels looking for emerging talent.

After creating the indie music blog Indeflagration in 2013, Studio Flagrant in 2015 – more than 40 live sessions with Asgeir, Patrick Watson etc. – and organized the Déflagrations evenings, Dorian co-founded Groover at the end of 2018. Already used by more than 300,000 artists worldwide, Groover won the "Start-up of the Year" award at the Social Music Awards 2020, the 2nd prize for music innovation at the CNM in 2023.

At the age of 28, Dorian is the winner of the La Nouvelle Onde innovation prize, rewarding young music professionals. He has spoken at conferences at MaMA Festival, c/o Pop, Liverpool Sound City, Reeperbahn & M For Montreal

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