
Christophe MUSSET

Christophe MUSSET

Christophe Musset became a professional musician in 2007 as a songwriter and performer in the band Revolver, known for its compositional qualities and vocal harmonies. This very rich experience allows him to sharpen his musical know-how, to make significant encounters and to play in front of many audiences in France, Europe, Canada and the United States.

In 2013, wishing to strengthen his link with music in its most intimate and therapeutic aspects, he decided to leave Revolver to discover new musical horizons. He is interested in the Icaros, healing songs of the Shipibo Conibo shamans in the Amazon, as well as the Mantras of the Yoga tradition in an Ashram in Canada. He briefly studied Vipassana meditation and Hatha Yoga, then became interested in the interpretation of dreams as part of an analytical work influenced by Carl Jung. As a musician, he focuses on film scores and film music, as well as more intimate folk songs in French.

Combining his know-how as a musician and his desire to help and pass on knowledge, he has been leading music workshops for several years in various associations, for children and teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds. Significant experiences in hospitals, and in particular at the Necker Hospital in Paris, led him to investigate music therapy training.
After graduating from the International Center for Music Therapy in 2020, he immediately became a member of the French Federation of Music Therapists, and at the same time undertook psychology studies at the University of Paris 8.

Now a music therapist for autistic children and adolescents, the elderly and people with mental disabilities, Christophe Musset composes mainly for the cinema (soundtrack of Return to Seoul, released in 2023).

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