
Charlotte VOXAXOV

Charlotte VOXAXOV

Charlotte Cegarra is an artist, producer, activist and accompanist.

With VoxAxoV, her artistic alter ego, she unfolds vocal and electronic experiments between light and shadow, in spellbinding, immersive and theatrical ceremonies. Beyond the ambient or industrial sounds and quasi-mystical dimensions that VoxAxoV unveils, Charlotte Cegarra propagates a cathartic, committed and unifying word.

This need and desire to change things from the inside can be found, among other things, in his blog Une Vie d'Artiste, launched at the end of 2022 as an echo of his artist coaching activities. Concrete advice on managing a musical career rubs shoulders with testimonials on health or the passage of midlife in the music business, mood posts on the contradictory injunctions that exhaust artists, or inspiring articles to ensure that creation, being together and pleasure remain the watchwords of their careers.

Co-founder of the self-help network Musiciennes&Co (for women, trans and non-binary people in music) and member of Music Declares Emergency France (a group of artists, music professionals and organizations united to declare a state of ecological emergency), Charlotte is a "Gothic Trojan Unicorn of the music industry". Iel invites us to transform ourselves gently to better transform the world in depth.

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