


Born in Cameroon, between Yaoundé and Mintaba, where music, dance and song are an integral part of daily life, Blick Bassy draws on his childhood memories to fuel his artistic work, encompassing music, writing, dance, performing arts and cinema.

After a decade with the group Macase, which he founded, he embarked on a solo career and has produced four successful albums. He is recognized as one of the most innovative multidisciplinary artists of his generation, having won the Grand Prix Sacem Musique du Monde in 2019 for his album "1958", dedicated to Cameroon's independence heroes. His latest album, "Madiba", released in 2023, explores the theme of water.

In 2016, he wrote his first novel, "Le Moabi Cinéma", published by Editions Gallimard. Set in Cameroon, the story follows five young baccalaureate graduates dreaming of the West, a poignant chronicle of African youth sacrificed and adrift. The book warns against the illusions of the West at a time when thousands of young Africans are risking their lives to leave the continent. It was awarded the Grand Prix, which honors the continent's French-speaking authors.

In 2021, the Musée du Quai Branly gave her carte blanche to present a series of artistic works, including concerts, sound experiments, musical lectures, a first short film, and finally "Bikutsi 3000", a story-dance highlighting the role of African women in contemporary governance.

In 2023, he founded "Today Na Today", a collective bringing together African designers and traditional knowledge-holders to raise awareness of environmental issues. He has also created a cultural space dedicated to these issues.

Blick Bassy is part of this new generation determined to contribute to change on the African continent at all costs.

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