
Angharad COOPER

Angharad COOPER

Angharad is an English consultant, producer and coach based in Paris who works with clients in the world of music and sound to develop new artistic and research-based projects, with a view to increasing impact and experimentation and facilitating change.

Its main client is the Center for Music Ecosystems, a research NGO whose mission is to conduct globally relevant research to help communities use music to solve problems at local, national and global levels. The Center's clients include the United Nations and Nordisk Kulturfond , where they have led pioneering projects on intellectual property rights and defining resilience in remote music ecosystems respectively - the latter working with remote towns in Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Kyrgyzstan and the Aland Islands among others. In 2023, they launched the European Music Policy Exchange - the first guide of its kind bringing together examples of good practice in music policy from EU cities, with contributions from over 100 experts.

As a consultant, Angharad's clients include the British Council, Creative Europe, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sound and Music and Music in Detention. As a producer, she has worked with a number of experimental artists and composers, particularly in the fields of improvisation, contemporary classical music and sound art, as well as with artists including Hot Chip, Kasaï Allstars and Asian Dub Foundation. She is a board member of the Daphne Oram Trust and the European Music Council.

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