


Head of Music

Alkis has been working at Ubisoft for over 24 years. After studying sound design, he joined the Ubisoft Paris studios where he became Audio Director and Music Supervisor for ten years, working on a wide variety of games such as "Red Steel", "XIII", "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow" and "Ghost Recon", to name but a few. Alkis became particularly interested in the design and development of interactive music systems.

He went on to become Creative Director on music games such as "Michael Jackson: The Experience" and "ABBA: You Can Dance", before overseeing the creation of the famous "Just Dance" franchise for 8 years.

Since 2019 Alkis heads the Ubisoft Music team which, from Montreal, Paris and Shanghai, concentrates music supervision, music licensing, publishing and artist partnerships activities within the company.

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