


After an initial career in music for image, advertising, stage music and creations for young audiences, Olivier Delevingne has now turned his attention to creations combining music and poetry. Drawing inspiration from the creations of the pioneers of electro-acoustic music, he fashions compositions at the crossroads of electronic traditions, musique concrète and modernity, using the latest electronic and digital lutherie technologies, of which he is an expert.

In 2024, Éditions universitaires de Dijon published the first book to address the ecosystem of musical creation from a composer's point of view: Création musicale et technologies, du chaman au slasheur. Jean-Michel Jarre wrote the preface.

As a corollary to this desire for transmission, since 2014 and in parallel with his career as a composer, Olivier has been developing an intense institutional activity representing artist-authors and defending their rights in France and Europe. The trade press regularly calls on his expertise on copyright news and the economics of the music industry.
He is currently Chairman of Ircec, the national pension fund for artists and authors.


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