


Always enthusiastic about new collaborations, Laurent Juillet divides his career as a composer between different artistic worlds.

He forms a duo with director Lionel Bailliu, for whom he composes for the 6 x 52' La Maison d'en Face, Mensonges, Soupçons, Innocente, Meurtre à Saint-Malo, Meurtre à Rocamadour and soon Meurtre à St-Malo 2, as well as for the Fair-Play cinema, Denis.

Laurent also maintains a close relationship with Universal label Kosinus, for whom he regularly composes albums under the direction of Eric Mallet. To date, Laurent has composed some sixty albums in multiple genres: Trailers, Dramedy, Investigation, and more. His music can be found on international TV shows such as Supergirl, Modern Family, Dexter, Elementary...

His musical career has also led him to compose music for animated series (Wakfu), music for video games, incidental music for theater, advertising and documentaries. In the past, he has collaborated with other composers as orchestrator on cinema films (Il ne faut jurer de rien and Demandez la permission aux enfants, Kerity la maison des contes, Dofus).


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