Contemporary music festivals account for a large proportion of the thousands of festivals throughout France. This density is structuring for the music industry and irrigates all regions, guaranteeing the expression of cultural diversity.
Today, this global equilibrium is undermined by two mutually reinforcing phenomena: a systemic crisis that is taking on as many challenges (health, climate, inflation, noise legislation, security costs, etc.) and the transformation of business models.
These upheavals are accelerating a bipolarization of the landscape around two antagonistic models: festivals with ever-larger audiences, whose model is based on "infinite" growth, versus "niche" festivals or micro-festivals with very limited audiences, deeply rooted in their territories.
The aim of this round table is to examine the place and future of medium-sized festivals. Can their model continue to represent a third way? What adaptations must they accept to meet these challenges? Does the diversity of these events make it possible to develop common strategies? Is regulation by the public authorities conceivable, given the explosion in budgets?