
Stanislas SOUEDET


A center of excellence in music production training since 1989, Les Formations d'Issoudun (LFI) federates a unique community of learners, former students, trainers and partners.

The school has four main missions:
- Train the talents of tomorrow in the performing arts, recorded music and music publishing sectors
- Contribute to skills development for companies in the industry
- Strengthen the capacities of support structures for players in the contemporary music industry
- Support organizations (institutions, universities and business schools, networks and federations) wishing to offer quality training in the music industry.

LFI offers 4 certification courses:
- Music Project Manager (level 6)
- Broadcast manager / Booker (to be certified at level 5)
- Production Stage Manager (level 6)
- Stage Technician (level 3)

Stanislas SOUEDET

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