
Sandra NKAKE


Wholehearted, authentic and generous, Sandra Nkaké is a Cameroon-born French artist, singer, songwriter and composer who has created a universe that she never ceases to reinvent and explore. Her powerful, singular voice unfurls on stage with a breadth and magnetism that the audience receives like a gift. Sandra Nkaké is one of the most moving voices on the current scene.
After three solo albums and a Victoire de la Musique award in 2012, she has won over audiences and critics alike, performing at the biggest pop and jazz festivals in France and abroad, and is this year's nominee for the Victoires du Jazz 2024.
SCARS, her fourth album, is a jewel of powerful, organic soul songs that take us on a weightless journey, suspended on Sandra's majestic breath and words. "This album tells the story of the high points of my journey and their resonance in my body, my being, on my voice. I'm made of all the paths I've walked, the stones I've trampled, the skies I've aimed at, the pains I've overcome, the waters that have soothed me, the joys that have flowed through me: it speaks of exile, violence, sharing, uprooting, failure, success, changes of course, moments in Africa, sisterhood, love, arriving in Europe, the violence of being a woman, a black woman, a musician, broken dreams, and the joy of being able to heal all these wounds and express all these joys in song, working as an artist, songwriter, composer and project manager, and sharing it with others, in private and on stage. It's a record of love. These scars from the past are filled with dreams, gifts from life and love, and translated into the sound that comes out of my body and says who I am. Singing saved me, and these scars are now my strength".

Sandra NKAKE

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