


Trained as an economist, Naïma first specialized in the evaluation of international cultural policies through her collaboration with UNESCO's "Culture Indicators for Sustainable Development" program.

In 2014, and in parallel with her work with UNESCO, she joined the family-owned live performance production company BLUE LINE PRODUCTIONS, becoming its deputy director in 2018.

In 2019, she co-founded two new structures: MADLINE, which won the tender for the management of the FGO-BARBARA and TROIS BAUDETS establishments from the City of Paris (tender renewed in 2024 for a further 5 years!) and set up a venue dedicated to creation in Ivry-sur-Seine, L'AIGUILLAGE, operated by the technical and logistical services company CREA'LIVE.

In 2022, she painstakingly ended her collaboration as an expert analyst with UNESCO to focus on her many missions as a cultural operator. She founded Douce Nuit and bought out and restructured all the companies in which she was passionately involved.


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