


Composer Loïc Guénin conducts personal research into sound, listening and contemporary musical writing. He works on the relationship between architecture, natural, urban, sociological and sonic environments, and the sense of listening developed by each individual.
He is artistic director of his company, Le Phare à Lucioles, which produces and distributes his creations, as well as of Le milieu, a venue dedicated to contemporary writing based in Sault, a remote rural area. Since 2010, he has produced a series of works entitled WALDEN [un lieu], written for the ensembles C Barré, Ars Nova, l'Instant Donné and intercontemporain, and commissioned by the GMEM-CNCM in Marseille, the Abbaye de Noirlac, the Fondation Royaumont and the Philharmonie de Paris. His new projects involve musical theater, opera, dance and poetry. After having been associate composer at the Cité Musicale de Metz, he has been associate artist at ZEF - scène nationale de Marseille since September 2021.


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