


Iban Garcia Del Blanco was a member of the European Parliament (EP) during the IXth legislature, from July 2019 to July 2024.
In his role as EP coordinator for the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), among other responsibilities, García del Blanco was part of the negotiating team for the Artificial Intelligence Act; rapporteur for opinion on the Data Act, and for the legislative initiative report on "An ethical framework for artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies", and co-rapporteur for the initiative report on virtual worlds. In the Committee on Culture and Education, he was rapporteur for the own-initiative dossier on cultural diversity and conditions for authors in the European streaming music market. He is a member of the Royal Council of the National Library of Spain.
He holds a law degree, specializing in cultural management and intellectual property, and is a former president of "Acción Cultural Española", the branch of the Spanish government responsible for promoting and supporting Spanish culture.


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