


Associate director of companies in the cultural sector since 2006 (production, organization and distribution) and co-founder of the Paradigmes&Liberté impact fund and of the LaboCulture consulting, training and cultural project management agency.
We support entrepreneurs in their search for financing, optimize their business models and structure their companies, coach them and train their teams.

Elected since 2011 to professional organizations such as SACEM, Réseau MAP, Pierrots de la Nuit and EuroCouncil of the Night, I contribute with my peers to strengthening links between cultural enterprises and public authorities, as well as to structural or regulatory developments in this sector.
Since 2015, I've been appointed by the French government to co-found the Comité de filière Nuit, tasked with boosting France's tourist appeal through its festive cultural activities.

Finally, I speak at industry roundtables and conferences in France and Europe, in the media and at higher education establishments specializing in cultural careers (IESA, EMIC, ESG, Lyon Louis-Lumière II, TBS Barcelona...).


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