


Flavia has travelled all over the world, from the morros of Rio de Janeiro to the cobbled streets of Paris.
Since arriving in France in 2006, Flavia has sold out the Olympia and toured everywhere from Africa to Canada, Europe and India.
With each tour, this Carioca at heart brings with her different sounds, colors and desires.
Mixing pop, samba, reggae, forro, bossa and hip hop? Anything is possible for Flavia, who wants to break away from the music she might have been confined to in Brazil.
After 4 albums and numerous collaborations (Bernard Lavilliers, TéTé, Gael Faye, Aldebert, Synapson...), Flavia returns more inspired than ever with this new studio album, "Ginga".
Flavia Coelho continues her exploration of identity and her quest for authenticity, tackling the themes of reconstruction, courage and resilience, with her faithful producer and arranger Victor Vagh-Weinmann, whom she met at her beginnings in France.
Together, they initiated and designed all the composition material, including electro pads, organs, keyboards, guitars and percussion. These ingredients, combined with the driving melodies and sublime voice of the bewitching Flavia, give life to the ten tracks on GINGA.


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