
Edward GINIS


Edward Ginis is a seasoned entrepreneur and investor with over two decades of experience in entertainment, content distribution, and technology. His expertise spans large-scale distributed systems, supply chain design, web3, AR/VR, spatial computing, and AI. Ginis began his career in Los Angeles as a software engineer, later taking on significant roles at Concord Music Group and Village Roadshow Entertainment Group, where he focused on corporate technology and software integration.

In 2013, Ginis co-founded OpenPlay, a leading content and rights management platform in the music industry. His leadership was instrumental in driving feature development, expanding client growth, and championing innovative industry practices that have improved rights management for all stakeholders. Ginis also advises tech startups like Westcott Multimedia and ScreenSpace, and he co-founded Proto, a pioneering hologram company. His strategic insights into emerging technologies are reflected in these ventures. An active participant in industry events such as Music Biz, SXSW, and A2IM, Ginis is a thought leader on the integration of modern technology into entertainment and content distribution.

Edward GINIS

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