

Cíntia Ferreira Martins is co-director of diva404. After studying translation, she decided to devote herself to music and learned the digital distribution business, working for Apple Music and a number of labels. It was at Wagram Music that she specialised in audio and video content strategy, as streaming platform relations manager for 5 years. Guided by her curiosity and intercultural thinking, Cíntia travels from Latin America to Istanbul, and lives between Paris and Brussels. Her interest in alternative music is reflected in her taste for partying and decompartmentalizing aesthetics. She joined the management of diva404 in 2022 alongside Lola Levent, with the aim of providing a solid and supportive environment for artists who identify as female or non-binary. As a creative agency with a chosen gender mix, diva404 is committed to supporting these artists through a variety of approaches ranging from management and production to personalised advice and group workshops.

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