
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Seminar by YOUROPE deco-star

October 16, 2024
10:00 - 18:00
ATLA School
12 Vla de Guelma 75018 Paris

YOUROPE invites all festival makers and other music industry professionals to this free 2-day seminar on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). This seminar is also suited for DEI beginners!

Together with experts from across the continent, we will explore how festivals and other events can become more diverse and inclusive for their audience, staff and artists. Besides the focus on festivals, participants will also benefit personally by learning, e.g., how to challenge their own biases and have better conversations around DEI topics.

Seminar topics include: Accessibility at festivals, How to be a better ally, Awareness concepts and other DEI-related resources, Creative accessibility, Cultural sensitivity / diversity awareness training, Best-practice case studies: Roskilde Festival (DK) and Cooltural Festival (ES), How to talk about boundaries and different lived experiences in a team, and Intersectionality – how different types of discrimination intersect.

As the number of participants is limited, please register here by Monday October 14 on a first-come, first-served basis: click here.

Hosted with the kind support of “3F Future-Fit Festivals” and MaMA. Co-funded by the EU. The seminar language is English.

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