Co-organized by : RIF, SMA, FRACAMA, Féma, UFISC, Fédération des Musiques Métalliques, FAMDT, ZONE FRANCHE, FELIN, Haute Fidélité, RIM, AJC, Le Pôle, Supermab, FEDELIMA, Grand Bureau, FERAROCK, Technopol, Grabuge, Fédéchanson, PAM.
Closure of the concert hall Le Sous-Marin in Vitrolles, the desire to abolish the intermittent regime, privatization of public broadcasting, pressures, censorship, and threats on programming, attacks or boycotts of certain artists, arbitrary choices for appointments to the leadership of cultural institutions, etc. Whether in France or internationally, there are no shortage of examples to illustrate how great the threat of the far-right to culture is. How can the contemporary music sector confront these threats to preserve cultural diversity and artistic freedom?