
Optimize the management of your events with HEEDS deco-star

Presented by : HEEDS
October 17, 2024
15:00 - 15:45
Le Trianon - Workshop Area
80 boulevard de Rochechouart 75018 PARIS

To optimize the organization of your events, HEEDS is the ideal solution!

A presentation workshop for this management tool is offered to discover its advantages.

Information sharing is crucial within organizations, but it is often difficult to synchronize data scattered across different departments and spreadsheets

Between programming months in advance and production on D-day, each division must have the necessary information in good time. Needs, expectations and deadlines vary, making it essential to use a central interface accessible to everyone, as production progresses.

HEEDS covers the entire process, from the beginning to the end of the production line.

Its extensive features ensure a smooth and logical workflow, providing efficient management of contracts, route maps, purchase orders and reservations (VHR).

This tool constitutes a solid and reliable backbone to structure each organization.

With 20 years of expertise, HEEDS is a versatile and powerful tool, adopted by more than 180 event organizers.

During the workshop, all questions will be answered, and user testimonials will enrich the presentation.

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