
Live and sustainable development: understanding the impact of your venue or event so you can take action deco-star

Suggested by : Fairly x Causa
October 17, 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Le Trianon - Forum
80 boulevard de Rochechouart 75018 PARIS

In recent years, a number of studies (Déclic, Rec, Spot, Landscape, etc.) have added to our understanding of the impacts of the live performance sector, while also proposing recommendations for action to mitigate or improve them.
On the other hand, technological and organizational tools have appeared to support structures and professionals in implementing these changes.
Yet the road to a more sustainable sector sometimes still seems long, difficult and often costly, making it (more often than not, reluctantly) a low priority.

So how do we combine these new skills, tools and organizational methods, to bring about change without it being at the expense of the pros (in terms of cost or work overload), or the public?

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