Call for projects :
Are you an artist at the beginning of your career ? Do you have the ambition to make your project more attractive ? Do you need an analysis of your project with personalized tips and networking by professionals in the music industry ?
Send your project including a listening link, presentation, video, photos, and you may be one of the 5 projects selected to benefit from feedback from a panel of structures affiliated with MILA, which make up a good part of the collaborative circuit around an artist : Manager, label, booker, press officer.
The first 40 projects will be studied to select 5, they must be sent before September 16, 2024.
This 1h15 meeting in the form of a workshop/conference is open to a wider audience, artists and young managers/press officers/label managers/bookers, curious about the advice and testimonials of experiences brought to the artists selected on this occasion. A public introduction will be made for each project by watching an excerpt of content (video, track, etc.), followed by an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the project, indications of professionals to reach out to, based upon the information previously received.
Completed registrations