
Metal, king of exports! deco-star

Presented by : Fédération des Musiques Métalliques
October 16, 2024
16:30 - 17:30
Lycée J.Decour - Theater
Boulevard Rochechouart (opposite number 80) 75009 PARIS

Metal is a music that has always exported well, and with good reason: it is appreciated and played on every continent. In France, despite the richness of the scene, the lack of interest shown by SMACs and other support structures often leads bands to try their luck abroad before making it big on home soil. Gojira springs to mind, but more recently Landmvarks, Igorrr, Slift... But this strategy comes at a price. So how do you tour outside France effectively? How do you get distribution in Europe and the rest of the world? With experts from the live music world, artists and producers, from the international scene and from labels, we'll look at the best practices to apply and the pitfalls to avoid if you want to make the most of development outside France.

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