Ticketing, access control, cashless: digitalising the experience of an event or festival is now an established reality. The use of technological tools is on the increase, and is tending to radically transform the profession of event organiser. This change of era brings with it new challenges in terms of service and security. How can we anticipate a technical incident affecting access control or payment systems at an event? How can we assess the risks associated with our dependence on technical networks? What is the link between the risk of service disruption and the management of crowd flows in and out of events? How can we assess the risk of cyber-attack, and what strategy should we adopt in the event of ransomware by hackers? These are just some of the new questions in the field of risk management for events that the YES Group experts will attempt to shed light on using their theoretical and practical expertise. To help us update our protection strategies while guaranteeing the continuity of our events activities.