
Which carreer in the music industry ? deco-star

Presented by : Prix Joséphine des artistes
October 18, 2024
11:00 - 12:15
FGO Barbara - Panel Room 2
1 rue Fleury 75018 Paris

What's an editor for? Is there any training to become a manager? What are the different professions offered by a record company or a show producer?
While a growing number of young people are interested in the music sector, few are aware of the diversity of profiles and the changing roles required by the industry. With the contribution of Nouvelle Onde, the Prix Joséphine brings together young professionals and high school students interested in the music industry. In partnership with Pass Culture, Centre National de la Musique and Crédit Mutuel.

Conceived by the Prix Joséphine des artistes in collaboration with pass Culture, the CNM and Crédit Mutuel, the session aims to introduce high school students recruited in the Île-de-France region to some of the careers available in music. They will be invited to a discussion with a panel of four up-and-coming professionals chosen by Nouvelle Onde, an independent program promoting new talents in the sector, focusing on core branches of the industry: recording, publishing, live entertainment, and management.

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