
Employment aids: FONPEPS for live performances and recorded music deco-star

Proposed by : La Scène Indépendante - Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs de Spectacles
October 16, 2024
15:00 - 15:45
Le Trianon - Workshop Area
80 boulevard de Rochechouart 75018 PARIS

La Scène Indépendante - Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs de Spectacles-, in association with the Syndicat National de l'Edition Phonographique (SNEP), will present the criteria and procedures for the employment support schemes of the Fonds national pour l'emploi pérenne (FONPEPS), in the live and recorded entertainment sector:
- AESP (Aide unique à l'embauche en contrat à durée déterminée ou indéterminée dans le spectacle), a one-off aid for hiring on fixed-term or open-ended contracts in the entertainment sector.
- Support for employment on the artistic stage of live performances in small-capacity venues (APAJ)
- Support for employment in the phonographic publishing sector (ADEP)

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